24-year student earns more than $7 000 per month online 2019

LeBron Okotie-Eboh, who is 24 years old now used to be an ordinary cashier in a supermarket after he was expelled from a university. Now he is one of the youngest millionaires in the world who was able to earn 97,658 dollars during the last month. LeBron Okotie-Eboh told us his story of success with Iron Trade.
Elden Okorie specially for Iron Trade
Our family always had little money. All my life I needed to save because we did not have money even when I was a child. I could not ask my parents about candies, toys or smth else just because I knew that they earn just for a simple life without luxuries.
The one thing that I dreamed about from the childhood is to study in a college or university. I dreamed of being the first in my family who get a college degree because I used to think that the college degree would help me to earn a lot of money and I will be able to support our family. Also, I hoped to get a financial freedom that I always dreamed about.

I basically make $6,000-$8,000 a month online.
LeBron Okotie-Eboh
So after graduation from middle school, I took an education loan and began to work as a cashier in a local supermarket to pay it off.
Hard work in a supermarket took me hours, and I was always tired, did not have enough time to sleep and began to miss classes. I could not stop working or reduce the number of shifts because I needed to pay off a loan. I had problems at the University because I always missed classes. At last, I was expelled from the University. So, I was left without education with a big loan that I needed to pay off.
It was the hardest time in my life, however, now I realize that this test was given to me to become stronger. When everything is against you, and you do not have nor money nor perspectives, you need to understand that you should not despair because it will lead you to degradation and self-destruction. That's why you need to begin looking for ways of getting out and try to catch any possible chance. I had no choice; I needed to pay off my debt. I did not want to be a cashier further who lives in poverty all his life and dreams of getting a college degree somehow in the future. So, I was eager to find any other way of earning money and took any advantage of each opportunity.
I surfed the net once and found a YouTube video about trading binary options on Iron Trade. It was an online video. I became interested because the method was pretty easy, though I never thrilled with lectures about the Economy in the University.
I began to look for an additional information and finally I found several Facebook groups and financial forums where people discuss trading strategies and give advice. I read that Iron Trade is one of the most straightforward and ""cheapest"" trading platforms, which has excellent tutorials and a demo trading platform.
My parents were a little bit conservative and did not allow me to trade, so I do not want to share with them how I earn money and try to keep it in secret.
I managed to earn from the very first day. I understood the simple steps of the strategy that I still use, and I made my first 100 dollars within one hour! Firstly, I thought that it is just a trick, and they were not going to return my money citing various reasons. However, I was able to withdraw the money without any difficulties upon the first request!
Three months later I had enough money for a new luxury car I have always dreamed of.
"If you're struggling like I was and want to change your life around, I really recommend joining today. Making money with Iron Trade is you sure way out of financial need!"
LeBron Okotie-Eboh

Step by step guide to successful trading from LeBron Okotie-Eboh.

1. Create an account. It's free. Visit the IronTrade website by clicking here. The site Try now IronTradewill be opened in a new tab or window. You can switch between them here. This is what you see first:
2. Enter your email, phone number, and password. Click "Register". Congratulations, your account has been set up!
3. When you register free they will give you about ₦ 10000 made capital. You can see it in the corner of the screen
You can try to trade with this capital. It's free! Do not worry, you do not have to pay anything.
4. The next steps are very simple
I. Select a currency pair. For example, to select the currency pair EUR / USD (as shown in the picture) click on EUR / USD.
II. Please invest. The minimum investment you can make is ₦ 1000
III. Select the expiration time. The expiration time is the time until your predictions become true for you to win. Minimum expiration time is 1 minute. I usually choose 1 or 5 minutes.
IV. Make predictions and click either on the UP or DOWN buttons. This agreement will take effect after you click one of the buttons
5. Wait for the time you select as the expiration time. If your guess becomes reality, you will see a window:
Congratulations! Switch Enter from ₦ 1000 to ₦ 14500 in a minute. Very simple!
6. It's time to make real money. So you will need to refill the deposit. First click "Add credit" and then you will see the following window:
Click "Add Money" again and you will see:
You know, I agreed to tell you my story because I want people to understand how they can live. I'm glad to share my knowledge because if nobody had done this for me before, I would not become who I am now."
Choose a convenient payment method for you and deposit money to start your own business and get rich by making money with Iron Trade.
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  1. Please Can i have LeBron okotie-eboh's number

  2. Please Can i have LeBron okotie-eboh's number

    1. Please,can i have LeBron okotie-eboh's number?mounsegda@gmail.com my mail

  3. how sure can one be that this is not a scam?
    Pretty much looks like one to me! I think I need some convincing evidence here

  4. Ha any other person tried it yet in Cameroon or Nigeria, or better still in Africa? If any please could you tell us your experience with it?

  5. Please I beg to have LeBron number

  6. please i still do not understand when i need to click up or down

  7. Leborn please can you give me more information on when to click up or down?

  8. Ok.please leBron can i have your number...coz am intrested in joining iron trade but dont have any skills about the business so for mentorshing i need it...

  9. Interested but have no skills to use kn trading n don want to loose money

  10. I need more information about the trade how u earn after deposit

  11. Enter your comment...I have tried this one but the difficult is about depositing money it had become hard to me how can I do it
